Different Types of Intermittent Fasting

When it comes to weight loss, we often go on diets to help us shed the excess weight we have gained. Sometimes we succeed and most of the time, we don’t. This may be due to the choice of diet that we are following which is basically hard to stick to. For those who can’t keep or sustain long diets to get their desired results, why not try intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is basically going on a short diet to jumpstart your metabolism or your fat burning abilities. It can last for a day or two depending on the type of fasting that you are going to perform. During fasting, you will be eating fewer calories while focusing on healthier options that will sustain you during your fast. 
Intermittent fasting benefits includes: 
  • Weight and body fat loss. ...
  • Increased fat burning. ...
  • Lowered blood insulin and sugar levels. ...
  • Possibly reversal of type 2 diabetes. ...
  • Possibly improved mental clarity and concentration. ...
  • Possibly increased energy. ...
  • Possibly increased growth hormone, at least in the short term.

What Are the Risks and Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting?
  • Intermittent fasting isn't risk-free. ...
  • You'll feel hungry. ...
  • You might overeat. ...
  • You might get dehydrated. ...
  • You might feel tired. ...
  • You might feel irritable. ...
  • Be careful about your alcohol intake. ...
  • The long-term effects are unknown.
The good news is that there are several methods of fasting for you to choose from such as the ones below.

The eat, stop, and eat fast

If you are already a healthy eater than simply want to give your diet the boost it needs to really burn those excess calories away, going on a one day fast at least twice a week is something that you should do. During your fast, you will need be eating any form of calories with the exception of liquids. But this should be minimal to no calories as much as possible. You will need to do this within 24 hours then go back to your regular eating habits. However, make sure that you don’t end your fast with a huge meal but rather stick to healthier portions of food or have a light snack depending on how you time your fasting.

Alternating day fasting

This is probably one of the most effective types of fasting that you can do to keep your caloric intake to just 50%. As the name suggests, this fasting should be done every other day. On fasting days, you shouldn’t be eating anything except water to keep you nourished and hydrated and on non-fasting days, you can eat to your heart’s content. You will find that this is easier to follow compared to limiting or avoiding certain foods for prolonged time.

Warrior fasting

Another type of fasting that you can do is the warrior fasting. This fasting requires to you go on a fast for 20 hours then eat a large meal afterwards. Of course, what goes inside your body also plays a role in your fasting. The fasting part requires you to under-eat so go for vegetables, proteins, and fresh juice just to name a few. This type of fasting is designed to improve your response time. This means that this fasting can help boost fat burning and to increase your energy levels too.

9th hour fasting

This intermittent fasting requires you to go on a fasting stage for the first 8 hours of your waking time. This is quite simple. The moment that you wake up, you simply count eight hours where you won’t eat anything except to drink water then, on the 9th hour, you can have your meal. This is actually a good choice for those who want to start fasting but can’t spend the entire day without eating. This is because you are allowed to eat during the 9th hour onwards and repeat the cycle the next day. 
These are just a few examples of intermittent fasting that you can make use of if you want to jump start your metabolism. You might be surprised how better you feel overall when you do a fast intermittently. Just choose which one you should try out depending on your preferences. (prevention.com)

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