What Happens to Your Face When You Wash It With Apple Cider Vinegar?

You have probably tried many facial cleanser that are available in the market today for your skin problems. But did you know that you can try apple cider vinegar?
Yes you heard right! Apple cider vinegar contains ingredients that benefit the skin and compared to other existing face washes, it is much cheaper. It has been known to help in fighting acne and reduce the appearance of age spots.

How Does It Work?

Apple cider vinegar have alpha hydroxy acids, that work in removing dead skin cells. Some face washes contains alpha hydroxy acids in them, but apple cider vinegar have a much higher amount.


  • It contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, that helps in fighting acne and skin infections.
  • Unblocks the skin’s pores and helps the skin to breathe, thus preventing pimples from forming.
  • Help balance the skin’s pH levels, which keeps the skin from becoming too dry or oily.

Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Wash


3 Tablespoons of water
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar


1. Mix the apple cider vinegar and water in a small bowl.
2. Wet your face with water.
3. Use a cotton ball to rub the mixture on your face.
4. Leave on for 20-30 minutes before washing it off.

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