5 Nuts You Should Definitely Be Eating

They've got vitamins and minerals up the wazoo — plus, the trifecta of protein, fiber and fat helps crush cravings.

Walnuts contain among the highest levels of alpha-linolenic acids (a.k.a. plant-based omega-3's) and may reduce your risk of heart disease. Plus, a recent study suggests that eating a handful daily can improve memory and cognitive function in people of any age.
Calorie count per ounce: 185 (14 walnut halves)

The nutritional up-and-comers of the tree nut family, these versatile treats are breaking into the foodie scene via milks, butters, and packaged snacks. They're full of zinc, copper, and magnesium, all of which help support a healthy immune system as well as nerve, muscle, and bone function.
Calorie count per ounce: 157 (18 cashews)

They've got more fiber than any other nut (3.5 grams per ounce), so they're super-satisfying and an amazing dieting tool. A recent study showed that women who regularly noshed on 1 to 1.5 ounces of almonds mid-morning ate less at lunch and dinner than when they went without the snack. (Some research on almonds suggests that the calories per ounce that you actually absorb may be closer to 130.)
Calorie count per ounce: 164 (23 almonds)

Pistachios contain carotenoids like beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, which have been linked to improved vision. They've also got vitamin E and phenolic compounds — antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce risk of chronic disease. And it's almost impossible to eat too many unshelled pistachios, since a single serving is a whopping 49 nuts: Your fingers will tire before you're full!
Calorie count per ounce: 159 (49 pistachios)

Talk about a superfood! The skins (the papery red linings) and the seeds (the peanuts themselves) contain resveratrol, a phytochemical linked to reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and chronic kidney disease. What's more, peanuts have the highest amount of protein in this group (with 8 grams per serving) and are the best source of arginine, an amino acid that can help lower blood pressure.
Calorie count per ounce: 161 (39 peanuts)

This story originally appeared in the October 2015 issue of Good Housekeeping.

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