Heart Palpitations at Night: What You Need to Know About Them

Sensations that make it seem like your heart is accelerating, pounding, skipping or fluttering are referred to as heart palpitations. They may feel terrifying alright, but cardiologists say that almost all cases of them are completely harmless.
It’s possible for heart palpitations to come into being at any time of the day, including at night. This article will get you introduced to some of the most common causes of heart palpitations during bedtime.
But before you proceed, it’s very important to note that you should meet with a cardiologist if it seems like you are having heart palpitations on a regular basis. And if it’s accompanied by unusual symptoms such as chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness and sweating, seek medical attention without delay!

Being Stressed

Going to bed with your levels of stress still through the roof is a terrible idea. That’s because it is very much likely for you to fail to have a good night’s sleep due to all kinds of weird sensations or symptoms, and heart palpitations are just some examples of those.
The presence of lots of stress hormones in your bloodstream such as cortisol and adrenaline are the ones to blame. Prior to taking a trip to dreamland, it’s a good idea for you to engage in some stress-lowering activities such as taking a warm bath, listening to relaxing music, taking a whiff of calming essential oil or getting a massage.

Having Anxious Thoughts

Heart palpitations are very common among individuals who are suffering from anxiety disorder. If you’re one of them, there’s a huge possibility for you to feel like your heart is fluttering or beating rapidly especially at night.
Such is due to the fact that at night the surrounding is quieter and you are no longer busy physically and mentally, and this gives an anxiety sufferer like you the opportunity to notice all kinds of bodily sensations, including the beating of your heart. The more you focus on heart palpitations, the stronger they tend to appear.

Sleeping on the Left Side

Are you fond of sleeping on your left side? Then don’t be surprised if you cannot catch some Z’s or you are suddenly roused from sleep because of a pounding, rapid, fluttering or skipping sensation inside your chest — it’s just because of your preferred sleeping position.
Your ticker is slightly tilted to the left, and that’s why sleeping on your left side could cause it to come into contact with the structures found in the left part of your chest, and this can make its every beat highly noticeable.

Eating a Large Meal

It’s no secret that having a large meal before bedtime is a terrible idea for individuals with acid reflux as it can keep them from getting some shut-eye. It’s also something that you should avoid if having heart palpitations scares you enough to leave you wide awake all night long for as long as they’re around.
Winding up with a rapid heart rate or pounding heart is quite common no matter the time of the day you eat, especially after finishing a large meal — this is something to expect as your heart is just taking a lot of blood to your digestive tract to help out with the digestive process.

Drinking Lots of Alcohol

Some people make it a habit to consume alcohol at night to help them get to sleep without trouble. If you’re one of them, then don’t be surprised if you end up with heart palpitations once already in bed — alcohol can dilate your blood vessels, and this can cause your heart rate to accelerate and even beat harder.
It’s not really a good idea for you to resort to taking alcoholic drinks just to enjoy much-needed shut-eye. Aside from heart palpitations, consuming lots of it at night can actually keep you from enjoying a restorative kind of sleep. (self.com)

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