Good Morning Exercises To Kick Start Your Week

Workouts charge you with additional energy and improve your mood.
Exercising and your level of activity influence your whole day at home and work. Doing sports does not require a gym membership. You can always practice simple things at home. Do these exercises regularly and in a matter of days or maximum weeks you will notice the positive changes.
Here is a list of sic simple exercises that you can easily do every morning in order to feel better all day long.

1. Bicycle Crunches (Image Above)
Is your tummy as flat as you want it to be? If not, then here is an exercise for you to do to improve your abs. we recommend you should start with 15 repetitions and increase the number.

2. Push Ups
Lie down with your face down. Hold your body up at your arms’ length. Position your hands parallel to your shoulders. Lower your body, breathe in and push yourself back up as you breathe out. If you do not feel strong enough for this exercise, you can bend your legs at the knees and lift only the upper part of your body. Do not chase after quantity. Here the technique is far more important. It will take some effort and time to be able to do more than 50 push ups at a time. Start with 2-5 push ups and gradually increase repetitions. This exercise involves most major muscles and is good for those who want to tone up their chest, triceps and shoulders.
3. Jumping Jacks
If you want to have stronger legs and beautifully shaped calves, then you should practice jumping jacks. A lot of famous people, such as Michelle Obama, love this exercise and recommend it for you.
Your starting position is with your feet together. Jump and spread your legs and arms at the same time. Return to the starting position and repeat. Beginners can start with 1 minute while more advanced can increase this time
4. Leg Squats
Your hips and knees need special care and attention as well. Here is one good exercise for these body parts. Stand straight, spread your legs a bit wider than your hips. Stretch your arms forward. Then imagine that there is a chair behind you that you are trying to sit on. Your knees at their lowest should make a 90 degree angle. Return to the starting position. Practice it every day. Two sets each consisting of 15 squats will be enough for beginners. The exercise looks simple yet involves a whole range of muscles: calves, hamstrings and quadriceps.
5.Cat Camel Stretch
There are two types of stretches – dynamic and static. Both of these types are necessary for those who want to avoid arthritis. Stretches tone your muscles. The stretches called ‘cat camel’ are dynamic ones. They are recommended by specialist for those of us whose workday is spent at a desk. If most of your day is spent in an office, include this exercise in your workout routine.
Kneel down and place your hands on the floor. Slowly round your back imagining that you are forming the camel hump. Your head should be directed to your pelvis. Now lift your head and arch your lower back imagining you turned into a cat. Cat camel stretches should be done very slowly and repeated 4 or 5 times.
 1. Walking or running/jogging Walking outside is a great exercise. In this case you kill two birds with one stone – you get in shape and breathe fresh air all at the same time. If you have a treadmill at home you can use it instead. Treadmills can be adjusted according to your level and preferred fitness program. If you are only beginning, then start with walking. When you feel strong enough, try and jog. Walking as well as running reduces stress and depression, helps to lose weight and maintains it. Being in open air provides you with oxygen and connects you with nature. Finally, this exercise is good to reduce blood pressure.
6. Walking or running/jogging
Walking outside is a great exercise. In this case you kill two birds with one stone – you get in shape and breathe fresh air all at the same time. If you have a treadmill at home you can use it instead. Treadmills can be adjusted according to your level and preferred fitness program. If you are only beginning, then start with walking. When you feel strong enough, try and jog. Walking as well as running reduces stress and depression, helps to lose weight and maintains it. Being in open air provides you with oxygen and connects you with nature. Finally, this exercise is good to reduce blood pressure.

It is good to all these exercises regularly. Only then will you see the positive changes you have been wishing for. You can have one day off, where take a rest from your workout routine. Dedicate your day off to gentle stretching exercises, yoga, jogging or anything that would keep you active yet not tired. Morning exercises are beneficial if you suffer from insomnia, stress or mood swings. They also help to lose excessive weight and keep you in shape

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